Manjari Corner
In Sisona village, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, solar street lights installed as a part of the Focused Rural Development Project. Installed a solar pump for irrigation in Sitarganj (Uttarakhand) under the FRDP project. New Production house inaugurated in Nurabad, Muraina (MP), in collaboration with JK Tyres. Community Awareness Camp organized in 8 new villages in association with UN Women under 'Build Back Better' project. Goat Farmers Training conducted at Jara and Dangdiroli (Seondha) with KVK scientists. Training and animal feed distribution program organized at the Manjari office in Sarmathura, for 100 scheduled tribe goat farmers.

Naveen Jha

Naveen Jha

Naveen Jha

Principal Advisor

Naveen is a mission-driven entrepreneur and a Social innovation ecosystem evangelist.  He brings the experience of developing sustainable programs and business models impacting low-income communities in emerging economies. Naveen is the former CEO of the Deshpande Foundation, founded and led the Deshpande Education Trust, one of India’s biggest skill education providers for youth, Sandbox Startups, an entrepreneurship incubation ecosystem, and founded Leaders Accelerating Development, a leadership development program and co-founder and past president of the Hubli chapter of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE). Naveen is an established authority in the areas of social innovation, catalyzing leadership, and entrepreneurship. He has nurtured and advised over 100 startups. His work has impacted over a million people. Naveen is Harvard University’s ALI Fellow 2022, British Chevening Fellow 2019, and International Ford Fellow 2005