Manjari Corner
In Sisona village, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, solar street lights installed as a part of the Focused Rural Development Project. Installed a solar pump for irrigation in Sitarganj (Uttarakhand) under the FRDP project. New Production house inaugurated in Nurabad, Muraina (MP), in collaboration with JK Tyres. Community Awareness Camp organized in 8 new villages in association with UN Women under 'Build Back Better' project. Goat Farmers Training conducted at Jara and Dangdiroli (Seondha) with KVK scientists. Training and animal feed distribution program organized at the Manjari office in Sarmathura, for 100 scheduled tribe goat farmers.

From Seeds to Success: Story of Kamla Bai

From Seeds to Success: Story of Kamla Bai

From Seeds to Success: Story of Kamla Bai

Kamla Bai is a resident of Bachhar village, in Alsigarh blockof Udaipur district. She is a hardworking and a gritty womanwho has embarked on the journey of agripreneurship. Despite having no formal education, Kamla Bai started on an inspiring journey that is transforming her life and inspiring the community around her.

Kamla Bai and her family was involved in traditional agriculture with little success. She was determined to change her circumstances and add more income to the family. Driven by the desire for improving her lot and self-recognition, she identified Marigold cultivation as an innovative means to uplift herself economically. Her husband's meager income as a field assistant in a private NGO added to the financial challenges the family of five faced.

Intervention by Manjari Foundation and DS Group: Joining the Entrepreneurship Development Program of Manjari Foundation in May 2023, sponsored by the DS Group, Kamla Bai participated in an intensive training in sustainable agriculture practices. She was exposed to techniques in soil management, irrigation, and organic fertilization techniques specific to Marigold cultivation. She became equipped for her agripreneurial endeavor and was courageous enough to go ahead with the experimenting with marigold cultivation.

Investing around Rs. 7000, Kamla Bai purchased Marigold flower seeds and nurtured them into plants in a nursery. With family support, she transplanted them into 1 bigha land in June 2023. Harvesting began in August, and by December 2023, she started selling 40-60 kg of Marigold daily at Udaipur Mandi. This brought a total income of Rs. 80,000during the season. Additionally, intercropping green onions brought in an extra income of Rs. 40,000. Kamla bai started using social media for marketing of flowers and showcased her floral business that started attracting customers.

Marigold cultivation transcended being a mere livelihood for Kamla Bai; it became a transformative initiative. Beyond economic empowerment, it brought the elevation in confidence and recognition to her efforts. Kamla Bai's story is one of resilience, empowerment, and the blossoming of a remarkable entrepreneurial spirit.