Manjari Corner
In Sisona village, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, solar street lights installed as a part of the Focused Rural Development Project. Installed a solar pump for irrigation in Sitarganj (Uttarakhand) under the FRDP project. New Production house inaugurated in Nurabad, Muraina (MP), in collaboration with JK Tyres. Community Awareness Camp organized in 8 new villages in association with UN Women under 'Build Back Better' project. Goat Farmers Training conducted at Jara and Dangdiroli (Seondha) with KVK scientists. Training and animal feed distribution program organized at the Manjari office in Sarmathura, for 100 scheduled tribe goat farmers.

More than 3000 SHG women across our projects are mitigating risk by opting for Government Insurance

More than 3000 SHG women across our projects are mitigating risk by opting for Government Insurance

More than 3000 SHG women across our projects are mitigating risk by opting for Government Insurance

The Government has launched various schemes and programmes for the upliftment of the poor but impact of these initiatives is seldom visible due to lack of awareness and participation by rural communities.  A few months ago, we realised that women from Zawar in the Girwa Tehsil were unaware about several beneficial schemes.

Manjari Foundation under the Sakhi project intervened  and started approaching women form Self Help Groups.In a short span, we witnessed a massive change int he attitude of women. Earlier they were confined to their homes, engrossed in their daily drudgery. Now, they have started learning how to  manage thrift and meet their credit needs. Most importantly, they are now aware of their rights and entitlements.

There was a time when these women did not know how to avail government schemes. But now, during SHG and VO meetings, Sakhi facilitators help them with procedures and documentation. One such scheme is the Pradhan Mantri Jivan Jyoti Bima Yojna (PMJJBY) – a life insurance scheme that women can avail at a nominal fee. Thanks to Sakhi’s intervention, all the SHG members of the Zawar region are now successfully enrolled in the scheme.

“Being part of an SHG has give us a new sense of confidence. We now don’t hesitate to meet government officials or bank managers, because we are united. If there are any problems to be sorted out, we approach officials together and show that we need to be taken seriously.” says one of the women, smiling proudly.