Manjari Corner
Two new 'Didi Ki Dukan' shops unveiled in Dholpur, Rajasthan. Capacity-building workshop hosted on effective communication in finance & accounting. Solar pump installation for irrigation in Sitarganj (Uttarakhand) under the FRDP project. New Production house inaugurated in Nurabad, Muraina (MP), in collaboration with JK Tyres. Training session organized for SHG members at Dariba location on MGNREGA, labour rights and entitlement. Training and animal feed distribution program organized at the Manjari office in Sarmathura, for 100 scheduled tribe goat farmers.

Sakhi Utsav & International Women Day – 1st March- 3rd April 2019

Sakhi Utsav & International Women Day – 1st March- 3rd April 2019

Sakhi Utsav & International Women Day – 1st March- 3rd April 2019

Mar 01, 2019

Every year, SHG women celebrated themselves and their collectiveness in the name of Sakhi Utsav. Being largest of all events, this utsav bring all SHG & VO members together encourage them to recognize their journey, achievements, sorrow and togetherness. With this belief, this year for the first time we have initiated the process & facilitated Women Day Celebrations & Sakhi Utsav at different locations starting on 1st March 2019, which was followed by another grand gathering till 3rd April 2019. More than 12000 women from all locations marked their presence in Sakhi Utsav. In the series of games & activities, these women enthusiastically participated and raised voices to support theme of IWD-2019 “Balance for Better” & promote the message of gender equality.